And the angel said, ‘Greetings Favored One! The Lord is with you. Do not be afraid.”
And Mary, after pondering, replied, “Let it be…”
Well, Paul McCartney’s mom was the Mary in the song titled with those words. She appeared to him in a dream saying the very same words Mary spoke to the angel: “Let it be.” And guess what?
Our Mother God, comes…to our dreams, to our real lives. Holds our hand. We feel Her near. Just as the stars shine in the sky above, She fills us with Her love. We need Her help to see us through this lonely time…showing us the way to turn to find ourselves again. Somehow, we know She’s here. So, Holy Mother, send us please some peace of mind. Take away our pain. We can’t wait any longer, any longer. Holy Mother, give us Your hand to hold; Your joy running through our souls. You are here. You are here. We are here. I am here.” (adapted, Eric Clapton’s Holy Mother) Holy Mother, help me not to be afraid, for You are with me. May I let Your presence guide me. Simply held, may I have faith to “let it be…so with me.” Amein.
Listen…deeply. When you find yourself in times of trouble, are you able to “let it be…so...with you” and live on in your Advent life into Christmas? Not let it go…you can’t! Let it be…put your energy into what is life giving even in the challenge life presents? And so free yourself from fear enabling you…to be…all you are to be. You are a wonder! Wonder-full!
Letting It Be…So...